If you or someone you know is in an emergency, help is available 24 hours/7 days a week/365 days a year. Please immediately contact:
Crisis Hopeline anytime at 1-800-577-7849
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline anytime at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or
Domestic Violence helpline anytime at 1-800-95ABUSE or
Crisis Text Line Text 4hope to 741 741 anytime or
Veteran’s Suicide Crisis Line 1-800-273-TALK and Press 1 anytime or
Veteran’s Suicide Prevention Website at or
call 911.
Suicide Prevention Coalition
Meets at the Ashtabula County Mental Health Recovery Services Board office the 1st Wednesday of every month. Address: 4717 Main Ave., Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
Incident Response Team
The program provides trained volunteers to respond to the local schools after a sudden loss or other traumatic event that affects the students and staff. The team serves as a support for the schools and is activated by the local school superintendent or building principal. The team can provide single-day or multi-day responses to ensure the needs of the students and faculty are addressed.