Ashtabula County Help Numbers

Ashtabula County 24/7 Substance Use Disorder Crisis Hotline 1-800-577-7849

24/7 Suicide Prevention Crisis Hopeline 1-800-577-7849

Suicide Crisis Text Line Text 4HOPE at 741741

Ashtabula County Children Services 24/7 Hotline 1-888-998-1811

Homesafe Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-952-2873

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233

Emergency Information for Meeting Basic Needs Dial 211

Clients’ Rights and Advocacy 1-440-992-3121

Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services 1-877-275-6364

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Rape Crisis Center Chat Online-

Rape Crisis Center Hotline 1-440-354-7364

Contract Agencies

The Mental Health Recovery Services Board contracts with the following treatment and prevention providers certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services:

Catholic Charities of Ashtabula County
4200 Park Avenue, 3rd Floor
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004

Catholic Charities provides a variety of services for the MHRS Board. These services include Payeeship for individuals with a mental illness, Guardianship for individuals in need of this assistance who have a severe and persistent mental illness. They also oversee the Board’s emergency assistance and recovery housing funding.

Coleman Professional Services
5982 Rhodes Road
Kent, Ohio 44240

Coleman is a full-service mental health and substance use disorder provider. In Ashtabula County, Coleman has been an invaluable partner assisting the Board in obtaining our HUD Shelter Plus Care Housing Voucher Program for over 15 years. Coleman Professional Services also provides the grant program oversight and direct client reviews to ensure program integrity for participants who are diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness and previously homeless.

Community Counseling Center
2801 “C” Court
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004

Community Counseling Center is a mental health and substance use disorder-certified agency that contract with the Board for both treatment and prevention services for Ashtabula County residents. Along with evidence-based recovery support services like Supported Employment, and Celebrating Families Parenting Classes, the Center provides a full range of medication-assisted treatment for individuals struggling with an opioid use disorder including withdrawal management, medication, intensive evidence-based treatment, and recovery housing for women and their young children.

Country Neighbor Program, Inc.
39 South Maple
Orwell, Ohio 44076

Country Neighbor is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to provide mental health prevention services. For the MHRS Board Country Neighbor is a vital partner in delivering the UHHS Conneaut-Geneva and MHRS Board collaborative Botvin Lifeskills project to schools in the southern portion of the county.

Forensic Psychiatric Center of NE Ohio
5212 Mahoning Ave., #317
Youngstown, Ohio 44515

The Forensic Center provides a vital service for the various courts around the northeast portion of Ohio. The Center contracts with the MHRS Board and three other adjoining Boards to ensure that the Boards have the forensic monitoring services that are essential to meeting the Boards’ state mandates to assist the state in monitoring individuals who have been deemed in need of this level of care in the community.

Glenbeigh Hospital
P.O. Box 298
Rock Creek, Ohio 44084

Glenbeigh, a Cleveland Clinic affiliate, is full-service detoxification, residential and outpatient treatment facility to assist individuals struggling with a substance use disorder, including opioid use disorders. The MHRS Board contracts with Glenbeigh to provide detoxification services for individuals who do not have Medicaid or other insurance to cover this service and to address any Ashtabula County residents on waiting lists at other facilities and in need of immediate admission for health and safety reasons. Glenbeigh also works to address the concerns around transportation in the southern part of Ashtabula County by providing aftercare outpatient treatment at their Rock Creek facility.

Help Network of Northeast Ohio
261 E. Wood Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44503

Help Network provides the 24/7 telephone crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and substance use disorder hotline for Ashtabula County residents.

Homes for Kids
165 E. Park Avenue
Niles, Ohio 44446

Homes for Kids contracts with the MHRS Board to provide day and overnight respite for families and youth involved in the Juvenile Court Multi-Systemic Treatment (MST) program or those going through High-Fidelity WRAP through the Ashtabula County Family and Children First Council Service Coordination Program.

Lake Area Recovery Center
2801 “C” Court
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004

Lake Area Recovery Center provides evidenced based substance use disorder treatment in both its residential and outpatient settings. LARC also provides recovery housing for both men and women. LARC houses Smart Recovery, Heroin Anonymous, and Crystal Meth Anonymous meetings on site. LARC also provides medicated assisted treatment in the form of Vivitrol for those struggling with opioid use disorder.

Signature Health, Inc.
4726 Main Avenue
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004

Signature Health, along with providing both mental health and substance abuse outpatient treatment services, houses a Child Advocacy Center and is a Federally Qualified Health Center. Signature Health also provides a full range of Medication Assisted Treatment for those struggling with opioid use disorder. The MHRS Board contracts with Signature Health to provide our 24/7 mental health and substance abuse disorder crisis intervention services as well as mental health aftercare services for those returning from a hospitalization or diverted from hospitalization but in need of treatment intervention and have no means to pay for the services.

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