From time to time the MHRS Board receives donation from citizens or from an organized event where money was raised to address a specific purpose that is part of the Boards mission and community plan. These donations may be made by contacting the MHRS Board office and asking to speak to the Executive Director. The Executive Director can give guidance to anyone wishing to donate funds to the MHRS Board.

Similarly, the MHRS Board is permitted to accept sponsorships for the various events held throughout the year by the MHRS Board or the Board supported Coalitions. Sponsorships for events or programs are set on a graduated scale based on the event. The Board can provide the potential sponsor with the various levels of sponsorship upon request. All sponsors are recognized at every event.

In both instances, funds given to the Board should be sent in a check payable to the Ashtabula County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board.

Ashtabula County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board
4817 State Road, Suite 203
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004

For more information on sponsorships of an event contact the Board office at 440-992-3121.

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